In this long copy ad for IBM’s business analytics systems, IBM claims that our planet is getting smarter. This assumption is based on observing the sheer glut of data we generate everyday. 43,000 gigs of it. Yes technically, ‘Waiting in line at pharmacy and am sooo bored’ tweets and ‘Kittens Inspired by Kittens’ parody videos are data. But there’s a huge difference between the rasher of digital effluvia we produce every day and real information.
Not that there isn’t vast amounts of data out there to be analyzed, patterns to be recognized, trends to be identified. (And our overwhelming love for kittens probably does say something meaningful about us.)
But more information doesn’t = more smarts. It’s a little more complicated than that. And, there are those who maintain that the time we expend creating and consuming all this digi-garbage actually makes us less smart, because it leaves us less time to do the kinds of thinking that makes smart things happen. A company working in the precise field of anayltics ought to offer up something more compelling than this sort of Simpleton Equation.