We don’t care what the hell USA Today’s bogus poll says, this year the Super Bowl Male Idiocy Award, otherwise known here as the Bud Light Award, goes to 3 advertisers that chose to connect their brands to dumb guys doing dumber things: Teleflora, Pepsi Max and Doritos.
An informal poll of Adiocratites felt the reason for this continued trend is that Super Bowl advertisers are working harder and harder to pander to the over 48 million female viewers (to put in perspective that’s more women than the entire Academy Award viewing audience).
We imagined advertisers and their agencies projecting women high-fiving at the bar across their hapless boyfriends and husbands who either could only sheepishly admit the truth or futiley object with a ‘but that’s not me!’
We’ll admit that until a guy’s testicles hang like curing sacks of mozzarella, sex is pretty much a driver for everything. But except for drunk-out-of-their-skulls-frat-guys, men have pretty much learned that there’s a smarter approach, especially with women we’re already dating or married to.
So here are the top ‘dumb guys doing dumber things’ ads meant to appeal to the unsophisticated women who think these communications really nail us to the wall and the few still-clueless ‘that’s soo true, dude’ male souls left in our gender polite culture.
1) In the Teleflora ad called ‘Help Me Faith’, the dumb guy needs to write a card to accompany the Valentine’s Day flowers he’s sending his girlfriend. When she tells him to write something from the heart, he comes up with ‘Dear Kim, your rack is unreal.’
2 & 3) All the Pepsi Max spots were truly Bud Light spots like from the 90’s. But two were particularly ‘dumb guy’ spots. The ‘First Date’ spot where all the guy is thinking about is ‘I wanna sleep with her, I wanna sleep with her…’ Now this part is pretty much right on and we’ll admit that the woman here is equally petty. So far, so cool. The really mindless part is when the waiter puts down the Pepsi Max and the guy’s Pavlovian response is ‘I want a Pepsi Max, I want a Pepsi Max’. Until that point, dumb, but realistic. Then totally dumber.
The other is the Pepsi Max spot called ‘Love Hurts’ which shows that men love to do all kinds of things that are bad for us like eat crap and look at sexy women, no matter how our smarter halves try to reform us (high fives across the bar, ladies!)
4) And, despite all the viewer-created-content cheering for Doritos, and fact that this spot was chosen as the USA Today poll favorite, nothing dumber than the guy taunting his girlfriend’s pug with Doritos from behind a glass door. Especially when she warns him not to hurt her dog. Even the most clueless guy knows that Lesson 101 is: Do not EVER do anything that makes fun of or taunts the animals the woman you dig loves. And then, that feisty little pug sure showed him!
Agree or disagree? Let us know.
Adiocracy is cooked up for copywriters, art directors, advertising students everywhere and for those who just dig pop culture.